jobs related vocabulary with exampels

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jobs related vocabulary with examples

Through this post, I am going to introduce very important vocabulary related to jobs and work essays. This surely helps you to achieve a perfect band score of 9 in writing. So utilize this vocab in your writing essays in an appropriate manner. 

Jobs related vocabulary 

1.  Appraisals: a type of meeting in which the job performance of an employee is evaluated.

Eg. Companies often conduct Appraisals to document the performance of their  workforce

2. Bonuses:  a type of reward given to an employee to appreciate him/her.

Eg. Giving bonuses is a good way to increase the productivity of their employees

3. Career change:  the process of changing jobs very frequently.

Eg.   There are lots of benefits to a career change.

4. Career progression:   The ability to grow your working life.

Eg. People can achieve better career progression by gaining job training.

5. Day release programmes: programmes of training and education for employees.

6. Downshifting:  to become less workaholic and materialistic.

Eg: nowadays the trend of downshifting is increasing among people.

7. Egalitarian:  following the idea that all people are equal.

Eg: in this egalitarian society everyone does not have the same salary. rewards:  rewards given to employees by employers as money.

Eg. Some employers give financial rewards to their employees.

9.hard skills:  qualifications and degree

Eg. Employers usually focus on hard skills while recruiting employees.

10. Hiring methodologies:  methods used in hiring employees.

Eg: employers use  different hiring methodologies to hire personnel

11. Incentives:  a thing which is given to employees by employers to encourage them to do something.

Eg. Giving incentives to employees is the best method to encourage them to do extra work.

12. Job hopping: a trend of changing jobs frequently.

Eg. Nowadays job hopping is very popular among people.

13. Job hopper:  a person who changes his job very often.

Eg. Some employers don’t like job hoppers.

14.  Job prospects:   probability to get job

Eg: If a person has more job prospects then his chances of getting a job is high.

15. Job satisfaction: a sense of satisfaction which a person gets from his job.

Eg. Job satisfaction is more important than a good salary.

16. Job training:  conducted by companies to train their employees.

Eg. Companies have to pay for job training for new employees.

17. Organizational needs:  requirement of companies to hire new employees.

Eg.  Good soft skills are as important as organizational needs while hiring employees.

18. Pay increments:  increase in salaries 

Eg: employees often get a pay increment in big companies.

19. Performance reviews:   a type of meeting in which an employee gives feedback on his work.

Eg: I last performance review program my boss was pleased with my work.

20. Productivity: the work rate of an employee. 

Eg:  companies always seek ways to increase the productivity of their employees.

21. Self-employment:  to do work freely, not under any company.

Eg. Government is promoting self-employment to decrease unemployment.

22. Target related:  bonus which is related to a target. 

Eg. Target related payment is more beneficial than other incentives.

23. Work/life balance:  to maintain the balance between work and personal life.

Eg. Work/life balance is very important to maintain.

So, these are some words related to job and work. practice these words and use them in your daily life. whenever you want to write a nine-band essay related to jobs then use these words. you can score your desired band score with the help of these words. so improve your vocabulary and share it with your friends so that they can take advantage of this 

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