Hello students, today I am here with the latest book of Cambridge, Cambridge ielts 15. previously I have uploaded Cambridge IELTS 15 for GT students and today I am going to share the Academic version of this book. This book is one of the top 5 best books for IELTS.
As we know that Cambridge ielts all books are very essential to prepare for the IELTS exam. so, if you want to prepare for the ielts exam. Download or purchase this book.

Authors of Cambridge IELTS 15 Academic
This book has been published by the Cambridge university press. IELTS tests are managed by Cambridge, all the books that are published by Cambridge ielts are credible and based upon the latest pattern of the ielts exam. you can easily understand all the concepts of the ielts exam by using these books. other important books are Cambridge ielts vocabulary and Cambridge ielts official guide to the ielts.
Cambridge ielts 15 Academic includes the following things :
This book is for Academic students and contains practice tests for academics. this book contains practice tests for listening, reading, writing, and speaking. for the listening module, this book comes with a cd that contains audios of listening tests. Apart from that, this book includes the following things,
- Sample answers for speaking topics
- sample answers for writing tasks
- Audio scripts for listening
- Answers to reading tests
- worksheets to practice
Download Cambridge ielts 15 academic
i recommend you to purchase this book to practice more efficently. physical books are easy to understand and use, but you can also download this book from the below links.