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Collins Reading for IELTS
Well, reading is a difficult module in the IELTS exam. It’s very important to do a lot of hard work and practice to achieve a good band score in the IELTS reading exam. The book collins reading for IELTS is for those students who want to practice the reading exam. There are many books for IELTS reading practice, but the collins reading for IELTS is one of those books, that are best for IELTS practice.

Collins Reading for IELTS includes:
This book is to practice IELTS reading exam. Collins Reading for IELTS contains 11 different IELTS reading practice tests for different difficulties. This book covers all types of questions of the IELTS reading exam. Moreover, collins reading for IELTS also includes answers to all questions. The whole structure of the IELTS exam is also explained in this book.
Authors of collins reading for IELTS.
This book is written by Els Van Geyte. She has been teaching English for the last ten years at the University of Birmingham. She has written many books on the IELTS exam like collins vocabulary for IELTS, collins speaking and others.
How to use collins reading for IELTS.
This book is one of the best books for IELTS reading. You can practice your test by downloading this book. After downloading it, you can print it and can start your practice. Do all readings one by one and when you finish it download other material for the IELTS reading exam and continue your practice.
Download collins reading for IELTS:
in order to download collins reading for IELTS, you need to click on the following download button after that you will be redirected to the pdf of this book.