Describe Something you bought that was difficult to use at first, Sample answer

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Describe Something you bought that was difficult to use at first, Sample answer.

  • what was it
  • When you bought it
  • What does it do
  • Explain how difficult it to be used?

  Here I have provided a perfect and straightforward sample answer for a new IELTS speaking topic “Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first.”  

Read sample answer one :

  Well, I have purchased many things in my life. Usually, I buy those things which I need. When we are acquiring Something for the first time, it’s tough to use it because we have not used it before. Similar happened to me when I bought a bicycle for the first time.

I vividly remembered that I was in the 5th standard. One of my best friends purchased a new bicycle. I also insisted on buying a bike. My father agreed with me. So, the next day we went to a bicycle store. The executive Showed us many bikes in different colors and prices, and finally, I chose one of them.

I was very enthusiastic to drive it. The first time when I attempted, I was quite nervous because I had not driven a bicycle before. It’s was very difficult for me to learn bicycle driving. I fell several times from the cycle and got injured. My elder brother helped me a lot in learning bicycle driving.

However, now I am an expert in it. I often drive a bicycle and race with my friends. My elder brother often reminds me of those days when I learned to drive a bike. That memory makes me laugh and happy.

So, overall that was the thing that I purchased for the first time and was very difficult for me to use.

Sample Answer 2 for describing Something you bought that  was difficult to use at first:

To read the sample, answer two clicks on the subheading or click on the button provided below, and it will redirect you to the sample answer two.   Read now!

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